額田 晉 著 「自然・生命・人間」 より(1957年発行)
A transcript of NATURE LIFE MAN by Susumu Nukada
(1963; Translated by Tatsuo Shibata)
Random Thoughts
Life is an expression of our inmost hearts.
Daily conduct is the unceasing manifestation of our inmost hearts.
Therefore, nothing is more important than the way we think and feel.
Why do we pursue the study of nature and human life?
Why do we meditate on what we ourselves are?
It is because we desire to live as men should live.
ちょうど 舵がなくて航海する船のようなものである
no matter how rich in intelligence one may be,
Should a firm goal in life be lacking,
If one were to live only for the passing days,
Then would it be like a rudderless ship sailing on the sea.
無限なる天体のうちに 雄大なる自然のうちに
Within the infinite galaxy, within the grandeur of nature
And beneath the beautiful cerulean sky
We carry on our existence.
松はみどりに 花は美しく咲きほこっている
Proudly the pines grow green, the flowers bloom prettily.
These are aspects of nature reflected in our eyes,
The manifestations of an eternal and imperishable entity.
草あり木あり あらゆるものがある
Mankind does not live by itself alone.
Around us are mountains and rivers,
Grass, trees, and things of every description
In the midst of which we have been given life as men.
Man, originally a part of Mother Nature,
Lives in the natural world
And into the hands of Mother Nature has he placed his life.
With his life entrusted to the profundity of Mother Nature,
It is when he experiences its ysterious mood to the fullest measure
That man is most happily blessed.
それゆえ 死に徹底して生の喜びを再認識しよう
The stream of life flows on eternally through generations.
But to every individual comes death at last.
Therefore, while knowing death well, let us comprehend once again the joy of life.
Fear not death.
Death is the change of our individual bodies into other forms,
it is the confluence of our infinitesimal selves
With Mother Nature's limitless and never-ending stream.
Love life.
Life is nature's precious gift
Not to repect one's own life and the lives of others is a heinous crime.
Should there be one who thinks his lot is unhappy,
Wishing that he had never been born,
Such a one is too possessed with this small thing called self.
To do what one should do on earth,
To accomplish one's appointed task,
First and foremost, health is required above all else.
So that in a sound body
A sound mind can dwell,
Let us be watchful of our everyday life.
To man, the chief characteristic of man
Is that he thinks deeply on all things.
With the ability bestowed on him by nature,
man creates incessantly, untiringly.
The essence of science
Lies in the pursuit of truth in the natural world.
By coordinating science, let us obtain a correct outlook on nature.
すべての善い主張 善い意見 善い判断は
正しい知識にほかならないのだ 正しい知識こそは
Every good tenet, good opinion, good judgement
Is identical with correct knowledge; correct knowledge
Is the well from which correct thought and action flow.
Heeding the voice of conscience, we should so act as to feel no need of shame.
For conscience, however, to be true conscience,
Correct knowledge is a prerequisite.
Let us at all times seek correct knowledge.
Then with correct knowledge as the basis,
Let us work for the sake of the world and for mankind's sake.
we live in the midst of mankind as a whole
And it is for the whole of mankind that we live.
Whatever can make men forget life's suffeings even for a moment,
Whatever that delights and consoles the hearts of men - is art.
食と性との本能のままに動き ただ生きるために生きる動物
Animals, motivated only be the instincts of food and sex, live only for the sake of living.
Differing from them, men are aware of the meaning of life
And form a living unit that endeavors to attain the goals of life.
To the utmost limits permitted by his strength and environment,
Man lives in order to secure
His own happiness and the happiness of his fellow men.
Perfect one's own self, perfect others as
He who walks a path that is good both for himself and others
Is making the most of his own self.
それはどうして発生し どのように変化していくのであるか
The constellations in the heavens
How were they created, how do they undergo change?
Should not we earthlings, enjoying nature's benevolence, be the very ones
Most conscious of our particular mission in the evolution, the development of the universe?
things exist within
the embrace of Mother Nature.
All things conform to the principles of Mother Nature
In their eternal development.
個人は変化し 社会は交代し 民族は推移しても
As long as the universe itself is
developing as a whole,
How can man and his society within the universe alone remain immobilized?
Individuals may change, one society may give way to another, one race may follow another,
But the culture of mankind develops fore
ver, without end.
Each man seeks to utilize his talent
As he carries on work benefiting the advancement and development of mankind as a whole.
In this can be found the meaning of life
In order to make life most
Offer one's talent to the evolutionary process of the universe.
No matter how insignificant one may be, endeavor as a single pure stream
To contribute to the eternal flow of the universe.
人生は自分のものではなく 生命を与えてくれた自然のものである
それゆえ われらは自然の動きに一致して
Existence is not one's own ; it belongs to
Mother Nature which gave us life.
The aim of existence lies not with men but with Mother Nature itself.
Therefore should we become one with the development of nature
And advance constantly along the path toward perfection of one's own self and others.
Our constant goal : to advance so that
what one does
Will be for the good of society and mankind.
"For the sake of others" means "for one's own sake,"
To perfect one's own self means to benefit others.
No matter what our circumstances may be,
we must live a worthwhile life.
By living a life that is truly worthwhile,
Only then is there a meaning in life.
Do one's best from day to day,
By doing one's utmost each passing day,
We shall thrill to a great joy and find that life is worth living.
自然を愛し 世を愛し 人類を愛しつつ
絶え間なき向上への努力 理想へのあこがれ
While loving nature, loving the world,
loving mankind,
Endeavor for constant improvement, yearn for the ideal.
Pursue truth - knowledge - love - beauty.
How else can be the daily life of those who desire eternal light?
Surely to breathe quietly is not the whole
of existence.
Let us live strongly with a courage that is free and bright.
Thereby inhaling the pure spirit of life.
しかし いつまでもその為に悩んでいてはいけない
少しでも勇気が出てきたら 心の寂しさに打勝って
Certainly life has unendurable sufferings
and misfortune.
Do not be distressed by them forever.
When courage rises a bit, overcome the loneliness in one's soul
And advance further on
物事は起るべくして起り 消え去るべくして消え去るのである
眼前のことばかりにとらわれて 喜んだり悲しんだり
腹を立てたりする前に 物事の前後をよく考えよう
What will happen will happen, what will
vanish will vanish.
Before being moved by immediate events to feel joy, sorrow or anger,
Reflect deeply on the sequence of things.
Cease being troubled by the small
happenings of everyday life.
All things in heaven and earth are one
A refreshing breeze and a bright moon are to be found in every place.
Be vigilant the most against the laxity of
one's soul.
Difficult, above all else, is the concurrence of
One's thoughts and one's daily actions.
And cheerfully should we live.
It is through suffering that the spirit
Without suffering, improvement of human life would be impossible.
Human life advances toward perfection through suffering.
しかし どんな場合にも生きられるだけ生き
Certainly human life brings pains which
cannot be endured momentarily.
Nor can it be said that there will not be moments in which one will tire of living.
But in all cases, we must live as long as we can
And discover the way to live.
人に親切をつくして その人が少しでも幸福になれば
Be kind to people.
If by being kind to a man, that man becomes an iota happier,
One's own heart will be filled with joy.
Under all circumstances, one's attitude is
most important.
Even in a despairing situation,
Hope should never be lost.
Even if one suffers from adversity,
Courage should not be lost.
It is by meeting difficulties that one is disciplined.
Only by overcoming difficulties does one advance toward perfection.
To perfect one's self, it is important to
know one's own aptitude well
And to make the best use of what one has been granted.
Let us thus live as human beings
And work as human beings should.
だが それを目指して進むところに希望があり
To perfect one's self is not a simple
Hope lies in advancing toward such a goal,
Bringing joy and strength.
それゆえ 他人にたいしては
For anyone to live as he wants to live is
not a simple thing.
Therefore, toward others we should be
As tolerant as we possibly can
人生は複雑である 一生の間には
LIfe is complex;
Who knows what may happen during a lifetime?
Whatever happens, make the best use of it
And let it serve in perfecting one's own self.
自分の力の足りないこともあろう 間違うこともないとはいえぬ
間違ったら直せばよい ころんだら起きていけばよい
At times one may lack strength, no one can
say that mistakes will not be made.
If a mistake is made, correct it; if one stumbles, rise and move on again.
Whatever the circumstances, let us advance despite all difficulties.
The determination to make an effort must never be lost.
それを怠ると 知らずしらずの間に
Even in the midst of our busy existence,
let us constantly introspect.
For if this is neglected, before one knows it,
One will have stepped onto the wrong path.
Today is a part of eternity.
While thinking of things that are remote.
Never forget how we should live today.
人にほめられても はやされても
Let us abandon a life of self-indulgence
and selfishness.
Even if placed in favored circumstances, never become elated.
Even if praised or applauded by others,
Let not your own soul become arrogant.
この世は愛によって結ばれる 互に助け合い
互に補い合い また互に戒め合って生きる
This world is bound by love; live helping
each other,
Complementing each other, admonishing each other.
That is the true way in which men should live.
To work unworried, calmly, joyously,
To carry out one's task without pain or suffering.
He who has reached such a state of mind
Is a peaceful man, a man who is free.
それゆえ 他人に対する礼儀や 自分の言行にたいする
Nothing so harms the harmony between man
and man as anger.
Therefore, control the anger that may be caused by lack of reflection
On courtesy toward others or the way one acts.
互に怒りの心をもって争い合い たたかい合うと
If people quarrel or battle with angry
The peace of mankind will be destroyed.
The tranquility of existence will be disturbed from its very foundation.
The emotion of righteous anger
Should become apparent in stimulus, courage and effort
To make life better..
悪意や ひがみや 他人に対するねたみや
利己的な考えや ひねくれや
Malice, prejudice, jealousy of
Egostic thought, distorted views,
Sordid words - let us cast all these away
And live a righteous life.
No matter how much one may learn
No matter how many books one may read
Of no use whatsoever will they be
Unless one's actions concur with correct belief.
今日の人間はまだ互に憎み合い 互に争い合い
だが われわれはお互いに喜び合い感謝しあう
It cannot be said that men today do
Hate each other, quarrel with each other, exchange mutual complaints.
And yet, we share happiness and gratitude too
As we advance toward the goal of a beautiful world of love.
現実は完全ではない その不完全な中にあって
What we have today is not perfect, but in
the midst of that imperfection.
To live so as to seek constant perfection
Is the real nature of man.
A man must live both as an
And as a member of society.
力強い人生を送る者こそ その一生は
He who always holds joy and peace in his
And yet continues to associate with society as it is
While living strongly -- the lifetime of such a man
Can be called the supreme art of human beings.
より完全なもの より完全なものをと追求しつつ
We continue to grow unceasingly
As we seek greater and still greater perfection
In order to make mankind as a whole a more perfect thing.
人類を離れて個人なく 個人がなければ人類がない
われらの内心の要求であり それは
Without the human race, the individual
cannot be; without the individual, mankind cannot be.
To endeavor to make one's own self more perfect
Is our inmost desire--and this
Will eventually benefit mankind as a whole.
He who works and serves so that all men on
May attain harmony and lead better lives--
Such a man is making the most of his own life.
それは静かな 平和な そして
He who makes the most of his own
Will have no fear of death
Which will merely seem to lead
To a quiet, peaceful, natural road.
Calmly attuning our hearts to the majestic
power of Mother Nature,
Let us live as men as long as we can live
And toil as long as we can toil
For the sake of society and for mankind's sake
額田晉著「自然生命人間」より(1957年発行) A transcript of NATURE LIFE MAN by Susum Nukada(1963; Translated by Tatsuo Shibata)
Because of the progress of school education, people today are respectively learned in many fields. Nevertheless, all the subjects that are being taught today, such as physics and chemistry, law and economics, provide people with theories and knowledge but do not teach them how to live. This is a great defect. Consequently, people of the present age lack conviction regarding the meaning of life. They are confused since they possess theories and knowledge but do not know how to use them.
If we then ask if there is any feeling of reliance on religion, it can be said that nearly everyone is religiously inclined. And yet, due to the advance of science, the feeling of reliance on established religions has gradually weakened.
Religion is essentially a spiritual matter. Since natural science studies the physical phenomena of the natural world, that is to say, since it deals with matter, it is commonly thought that natural science and religion stand at opposite poles. Moreover, as things are today, science is continuing to progress rapidly and everyone can easily understand the power of science--the wireless, airplanes, radio, television, and more recently the application of atomic power.
The people today therefore recognize the power of science but tend to pay little attention to religion which is considered unnecessary. The result is that people become so absorbed in material things that they are unable to understand the attitude that they should take toward life itself.
What, then, should be done?
The thought that comes to mind is the Japanese "Waka"poem which says, "Many are the paths with which to climb a mountain, but from the peak the selfsame moon is seen." In arriving at the
identical goals, there are a number of paths that can be taken.
Up to now it might have been difficult while scientific progress was underway, but now that science has already made a tremendous development, it is necessary for us to reconsider, from the standpoint of science, what men really are and what their attitude toward life should be. I am convinced that this is the most important thing for the people of the present day.
In doing so, the proper order would be to study what nature is, first of all, and then proceed to the problem of existence. Therfore, although it may be a bit academic, let us begin by coordinating scientific knowledge in order to gain a correct outlook on nature.
宇宙間にただようわれらの地球 Our Earth Drifts In The
The races of antiquity who were in the lowest stage of development lived only for the day and probably gave no thought whatsoever to the universe. Even today, people are oppressed by their daily existence and although they may have some knowledge of the universe, they do not seem to have sufficient leisure to think of the universe in relation to their actual life.
Nevertheless, as long as we are living on this earth, I believe that no one should forget even for a moment the realization of the position that this earth holds within the universe.
Due to the recent rapid development of radio wave astronomy, more extensive information is being obtained in regard to the universe, but let us dwell here on a general outline of the present day theory of the universe.
As it is known, the earth that we live on is but one of the planets revolving around the sun. If the planets of the solar system are listed in order, beginning with those nearest the sun, there is Mercury first of all, Venus, then our Earth, followed by Mars. On the outer side of Mars, there is a cluster of countless planets moving like scattered sand. Farther away are, in order, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Controlled by the laws of universal gravitation,
these various planets move methodically, each rotating along an elliptical course around the central sun. Some of these planets have satellites. In the case of the earth, the moon is its
What, then, of the sun - the center of our solar system?
Needless to say, it is the sun that supplies light and heat to the planets and their satellites which do not shine by themselves. Nearly all of the phenomena occurring on the planets are due to the energy received from the sun. When we think, in particular, of the many activities on this earth, we are able to understand what a great controlling force the sun possesses.
In any case, the sun's energy is tremendous. It is
because of the sun that we human beings are able to live on this earth at all and continue unceasing
efforts to build up our civilization.
Since the sun is in this way the wellspring of
mankind and civilization on this earth, the sun was once considered to be something special, entirely different from all other heavenly bodies. Today, however, we know
that the uniqueness of the sun is only in relation to the stars of our solar system.
When we gaze at the sky on a clear night, shining there is a world of innumerable stars, the so-called "fixed stars," which do not belong to our solar system. Each of these independent stars is
itself another sun.
The fixed stars which include our solar system are called the Milky Way galactic system. It is estimated that the distance from the sun to the center of the Milky Way is about 30,000 light years. (A light year is the distance that light travels in one year). With this galactic system as the center, our sun is said to be revolving in a cycle of about 200 million years.
Moreover, beyond this galactic system are other galaxies of fixed stars. Today, the existence of countless such independent galactic worlds within the entire cosmos is becoming known. Since these do not belong to our galactic system, they are generally called distant nebulae.
Among these distant nebulae, the most numerous are spiral nebulae. There is also seemingly gaseous matter which cannot be separated into individual stars. When these are compared and classified, it is possible to arrange them into a succession of gradual metamorphoses which, it is believed, represent various stages in the evolution of the distant nebulae. It is said that our galactic system is in the stage of the most advanced evolution.
According to the present day theory of the universe, ours is an expanding spherical universe mada up of countless spiral nebulae which are swarms of from tens of billions to hundreds of billions of fixed stars. The diameter of this universe is considered to be about 4 billion light years or more.
Since this is a distance that staggers the imagination, it will suffice to regard the universe as being practically limitless. We human beings live in one island universe called the galactic system, one of whose fixed stars is our sun.
When we think of ourselves as human beings on this earth which is but one planet revolving around the sun, which again is but one fixed star in our galactic system, the extreme in contrast between tiny man and the vast and infinite universe must startle us. At the same time, we must surely realize that mankind on this earth is a small biological existence embraced by Mother Nature and that all of us share the same fate.
Mankind on this earth today is divided into various races and nations, struggling with one another, but if we forget the basic reality and become absorbed only in the affairs of human society, will it not become impossible to hope for lasting peace on earth?
Fortunately, the people's interest is gradually turning away from the earth. Eventually this may become the premise for uniting all mankind into one.
現象の奥に潜むもの Back Of All Phenomena
Now that we have journeyed into the universe and marveled at its grandeur, let us enter the world of the atom and inquire into the origin of matter.
Just as knowledge of the universe has progressed remarkably in recent times due to the advances in astronomy, so has our knowledge of what matter actually is mada an extraordinary development due to the recent epochal progress of theoretical physics. Let us now view some of the generally known points in this field.
Around us are mountains and rivers, and many diverse things. When we inquire into the origin of things that exist in the natural world, we find that all matter is made up from about 100 different elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, iron and lead, and their chemical combinations. Then again, these elements and chemical combinations are each composed of atoms or compounds of atoms called molecules.
In the center of every atom is a heavy nucleus of positively charged protons. Rotating rapidly around the nucleus are light negatively charged electrons. This condition is often likened to the planets revolving around the sun. Such is the structure of the atom.
If one next asks what the nucleus of the atom is, it can be said that it consists of protons and neutrons held together by the force of mesons. The so-called elemental particles, including electrons, are the smallest particles of matter and are common to all the atoms of the elements.
About 20 kinds of elemental particles are known today. None of them is in a static state. The various elemental particles are related to each other but, among them, protons and neutrons act on each other and a number of them combine, according to a fixed law, to form the nucleus of an atom. This further attracts electrons tto form an atom. In such a way is built the natural world that we see today.
Differing from inanimate objects, animals and plants possess life and each is a collective entitiy of cells, the power of life being lodged in each individual cell. Even this cell, however, when considered from the material standpoint, ultimately consists of molecules such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, water and salt. These molecules are formed from atoms, which, as in the case of inanimate objects, are composed of particules.
When we think in this way, we are able to understand that everything we see in the natural world - mountains, rivers, grass, trees, even our own bodies - is composed of tiny electron, proton, and meson particles which are common to all things.
Although these elemental particles are called
particles, they are not round or square or in any of the shapes in which we see matter in everyday life. Their size is generally measured by the range in which they mutually act on other
particles. This is the utmost in the infinitesimal :
about 1/100,000,000th of a centimeter divided further into 1/10,000th, a world of unimaginable smallness.
When we think of these things, we can only construe that there are, back of all phenomena, eternal and imperishable realities which, in accordance with their respective laws, appear in the many forms we know in this world--both inanimate matter and living things.
大自然と法則 Nature And Laws
In such a way, the size of the universe is limitless while, on the other hand, the origin of matter lies in a world of truly unimaginable smallness. These appear as various phenomena in our world but what does it all mean ? Is there not some mysterious force at work here ?
Let us next consider the existence, formation and transformation of matter.
When we think, first of all, of the movement of
heavenly bodies, the countless stars that shine in the sky are all moving in their respective directions in an orderly manner, the earth that we live on is revolving unerringly as one planet
along its yearly orbit of 365 days around the fixed star that is our sun,
and the moon as a satellite is also moving methodically around the earth on its course of about 27days.
Needless to say, they are moving according to the Law of Universal Gravitation. The various things on earth too are controlled by a similar law which in this case is specifically called the Law of Gravity.
In this way, all things in the natural world, whether inanimate or animate, whether solid, liquid or gaseous, exist under the control of their respective laws.
Next, in what way were the various things on this earth formed ?
The things on this earth that our eyes can see and that our hands can feel seem at first glance to have many shapes, but when the origin of all matter is studies, each is formed from the atoms of its respective elements while these atoms are in turn formed from a number of common elemental particles. Therefore, as mentioned earlier, elemental particles of extremely infinitesimal size combine in accordance with fixed laws and make their appearance in this world as various forms of matter.
Thus, even as we trace the formation of matter back to its origin, the existence of mysterious laws cannot be denied.
Then, again, spring comes to the place where we live
and flowers bloom, but shortly afterward this gives way to a season of fresh verdure, followed in turn by autumnal leaves and winter's snow. In this way, every terrestrial phenomenon shows
constant change but this is merely the outward appearance.
If its substance is studies, matter in every phenomenon, or more basically energy, can neither be created nor destroyed, being controlled as it is by the Law of the Conservation of Energy.
Man, for instance, needs energy in order to sustain life. Whence comes this energy ? From food. Our food includes both vegetable matter and animal matter, but since animals live by eatjng plants, we are securing all our energy either directly or indirectly from plants. In synthesizing the nutrients absorbed through leaves and roots, plants obtain and store the sun's energy, and therfore, it is ultimately with the sun's energy that we are able to maintain bodily temperature, to move about, and to think..
Science has developed today to the point where it is utilizing the energy of the atom. If the steam engine used heretofore is taken as an example, however, this is the energy possessed by coal transformed partially into caloric energy and partially into work energy. Moreover, since coal is formed from the vegetable matter of ancient times, the source of its energy too comes from the sun. It can thus be said that a steam engine is operated with the sun's energy.
When a streetcar is running, this is electrical energy being transformed into work energy. If this electricity is derived from hydraulic power, it is the transformation of the energy possessed by water into electrical energy. But since the water fell from a cloud and since the cloud is water that evaporated from the earth under the sun's heat, it can thus be said that the streetcar runs on the sun's energy.
In this way, energy undergoes many forms such as chemical energy, electrical energy, work energy and caloric energy, but the total amount neither decreases nor increases. This is the Law of the Conservation of Energy. Whatever transformations may occur in the outward appearance, energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
Therefore, no matter what changes may be undergone by material phenomenon on this earth, the various phenomena and transformations are controlled by a mighty law and it is only the outward appearance that changes.
It can thus be seen that although the natural world is composed of matter, all matter in the natural world - whether inanimate or animate - is formed according to laws and exist under the control of laws. It is also certain that various terrestrial phenomena and transformations all occur in accordance with their respective laws.
究極を求めて In Search Of The Ultimate
When we say that laws exist, every intellectual person today will be able to understand this. Surely there is no one who will deny the existence of laws. These laws, stated in other terms, are an intangible but mighty force, a mystic and absolute existence, and a manifestation of the universal truth.
Of the laws of the natural world, only a small part
is known as yet.
Because so much is unknown, we are trying through a method called science partially to discover this mighty but intangible force..
Search for truth is said to be the objective of natural science but science laws are a manifestation of the truth, the study of science endeavors to discover these laws and to apply them as well. In other words, great laws are latent in the natural world and natural science is the effort to discover them partially.
In this sense, it can be said that the reaction
occurring within a test tube and the beautiful image unfoldind under a microscope tell us of the existence of laws in the natural world.
Similarly, a pebble fallen by the roadside and even a drop of water have originated according to natural laws and exist controlled by laws. But when considered calmly from the scientific
viewpoint, this is not strange at all.
These laws themselves are not things. They are inherently a mighty but intangible force latent in Mother Nature, a mystic and absolute existence.
In this way, all matter in the natural world -
whether animate or inanimate, whether solid, liquid or gaseous - is formed and controlled by an intangible but mighty force.
I therefore believe that it is most important to be fully aware that no matter how small a thing may be in the universe, and no matter what transformations may take place, an intangible but
mighty force is lodged therein at all times. This is the basis of the outlook on the world that people today should have. At least, it is my outlook on nature and it is the basis of my view of
Around us are mountains and rivers, as well as luxuriantly growing grass and trees of every description, in the midst of which we have been given life as men. In other words, we men live in the natural world as part of Mother Nature that we have entrusted our lives.
Writers often pen such lines as "our spirit, being one with heaven and earth, is able to move mountains and rivers." Even when we speak of "self", however, that too is a part of Mother Nature and so, in one way of thinking, heaven and earth, mountains and "self"are all one entity.
Thus, if we are fully aware that we ourselves are a part of nature, that an intangible but mighty force is latent in the natural world, that we ourselves were created and exist controlled by this force, and if our minds are thus attuned, a spiritual support for our lives will appear of its own accord. If in this way we are united with Mother Nature and our minds are attuned to the intangible but mighty force that exists, tranquility of mind will be spontaneously secured - ours will be the overflowing joy and strength of life.
I believe that this is a state of mind that can be
compared to the emotional ecstasy that comes to a religious worshipper who finds faith in God or trust in Buddha.
Therefore I believe that everyone by all means should always live according to such an outlook on nature. If this was done, then there will be serenity and strength in one's heart so that even if
an unexpected happening or hardship is encountered, it will be possible to act without ever losing one's composure.
Even if this be so in theory, before such a state of mind can be reached, It will be necessary for everyone in actual practice, of course, to ponder these things in his mind over and over again
and train the mind fully. This is similar to the need of engaging repeatedly in Zen meditation and of training the mind in order to arrive at the inmost mysteries of Zen.
Although I have not engaged in Zen meditation, I have pondered deeply, as a clinical physician, on the problem of what life is and in this connection I have finally been able to grasp such an outlook on nature as I have described.
Let us next consider Life.
生命のはじまり The Beginning Of Life
Many many eons ago the earth was born. On the earth, which is one of the planets revolving around the sun, there was an age in which life began. There were countless cycles in which various kinds of living things, giant plants and mammoth animals had their day and then vanished.
What ,then,is this thing called life?
There are many theories as to how life began. Broadly speaking, however ,there is no doubt but that certain elementary substances existing in the natural world combined under favorable circumstances to produce life foe the first time. It may be that a special unknown force was at work but, needless to say, a combination of certain substances is the premise for the appearance of the phenomenon known as life.
Although an organism containing life has a relationship with various elements, carbon is in all likelihood the substance most essential for the genesis of life. Moreover, oxygen is required for the maintenance of life. In addition, water is necessary. Water has played an extremely important role in the genesis of life on earth.
Then, when and how did life appear on earth?
When the various theories advanced by many scholars concerning the origin of life are coordinated, there is a general agreement of views on one point, namely, that animate things were first formed from inanimate objects. On this earth today, new life is no longer being generated from inanimate objects, but it can be surmised that in the earth's early development there was such a period.
The mechanism is not known in detail. But in any case, if it were possible for lifeless substances to gather in a certain combination to produce matter similar to some organism known today, and if it were possible for it to disintegrate through the process of physical chemistry and add new substances to itself, this then is how life began. It is believed that this formation of matter with the power to act by its own volition was the genesis of the first cell.
最初の細胞は新しい物質を吸収して自己に同化することができるようになり、さらに刺激に感応したり、自分と同じものを増殖しうるようになって、初めて一つの生物ができ上がったわけである。このようにして出現したものは、きわめて簡単なビールスかバクテリアか、あるいはアメーバなどのような状態であったのであろう。The first cell became able to absorb and assimilate new matter and, furthermore, by reacting to stimuli and becoming able to propagate its own kind, one organism was created for the first time. What made its appearance in this way was undoubtedly a simple virus or bacteria or possible something in the nature of an amoeba.
As soon as one cell is produced and is able to act by its own power, then life has been generated. From such a simple organism, the process of evolution continued on through certain systematic stages until finally man appeared.
Then, from primitive life, what course was taken before such an advanced form of life as man today evolved?
大自然の動きにつれて生物は進化する Evolution Of Living Matter According To The Action Of Mother Nature
When there was water and when there was certain organic matter, and the right temperature exercised control, life was generated for the first time on earth. It is said that primitive spongy living matter and the remains of seaweed have been found in the limestone of as long ago as the latter part of the Archeozonic and Proterozoic Eras of about one billion years ago, as well as imbedded in the rocks of the succeeding Paleozoic Era. From this it can be seen that the seeds of life on earth were planted in the unfathomably distant past.
When the Paleozoic Era of about 500 million years ago began, it saw the development of marine life such as jellyfish and coral as well as molluscs, and arthropods such as the lobster and crab appeared. Eventually fish appeared and multiplied very rapidly. During the age of the fish,
living matter dwelt only in the sea, but later, plants began to grow on land.
During the Carboniferous Period giant plants flourished on the continents and formed extensive forests. It was also during this period that very large insects multiplied to an amazing extent.
The Mesozoic Era saw the development principally of amphibians and reptiles. This was their period of dominance. About this time strange monsters such as the giant dinosaur appeared. The way in which they stormed and rampaged on land, in the air or in the sea against the background of huge plants such as giant ferns and cycads can still be imagined from the skeleton of these creature reconstructed in the museums.
During the middle part of the Mesozoic Era, birds appeared.
Mammals also began to appear little by little from the Mesozoic Era. Although some mammals seem to have existed even before the earliest birds, they were limited to the most primitive types. It seems to have been after the advent of the Cenozoic Era that the forerunners of the mammals we know today began to develop. This was about 50 million years ago.
From the standpoint of geology, the most recent geological age is the Quaternary Period of the Cenozoic Era which began about 1 million years ago. This is divided into the Pleistocene (Glacial) Epoch and Recent Epoch.
The Pleistocene Epoch was characterized by the rise and recession of continental ice sheets and this was a time when arctic animals such as the mammoth stalked the earth.
Man too appeared for the first time on earth during this epoch.
Eventually, Pleistocene Epoch receded and the Recent Epoch of geology was ushered in. Terrestrial cataclysms generally subsided, the temperature again grew warmer, and the division between land and ocean took its present form. It is believed that this occurred about 30,000 years ago.
The living matter underwent evolution in such a way is recognized today as an undoubted fact.
If then one were to ask how the evolution of living things occurred, different new species were undoubtedly formed through various combinations of genes or the mutations of a single gene. In the subsequent natural selection from among them ,the fittest survived. Over a long period of time the path of evolution was intently followed until the present state was eventually reached.
The Pleistocene Epoch was, in particular, a period of great selection from among living beings and animate creation underwent a gradual metamorphosis while going through this difficult period. Men too sought the resources of life while protecting themselves from the severe cold and wild beasts during this period and as they roamed in groups and fought together against nature , men broadened the scope of their existence.
In such a way was the foundation laid for the flourishing state of mankind on earth today, which has been the result of unceasing efforts and struggles.
微妙なる生命現象 Subtle Phenomenon Of Life
If the human body is considered as matter, then it is made from a combination of protein, fat, carbohydrate, water, salt, etc. By combining in certain ways, these ingredients have become the cells of muscles and bone , and through a structural formation, such organs as stomach and intestines, lungs, heart and the nervous system have been created.
The more we study in the closest detail,the more are we amazed by the subtle ability of the human body to take in,digest, absorb and assimilate food to make it a part of itself and, on the other hand, to inhale the oxygen in the air and while gradually oxidizing and dissolving matter to produce the energy to carry on existence, and furthermore, to provide for mutual liaison and adjustment of the bodily organs by means of an autonomous nervous system and endocrines.
Then again,we are able to appreciate a beautiful flower and to hear fine music. But when we think further that color is a sensation that is felt when the stimulus of light on the retina is transmitted to a certain part of the brain and that music is a sensation conveyed by the vibration of the eardrum caused by sound waves in the air, there is no one who will not be astonished by the delicacy of such mechanism.
What is even more startling is man's psychic function.Although it is believed today that man evolved from unicellular animals.a comparison between men and existing animals will show littledifference as far as stomach and intestines. heart and muscles are concerned. Nevertheless. there is a very great difference in the action of the brain center.
The brain of man has developed far beyond comparison with the brain of other animals, Although there may be but little difference inregard to such things as movement and the feeling of pain,man differs vastly from birds and beasts in his ability to think, Here is man's"Mind,"
人間の心のはたらき、精神機能! そこには認識力あり、理解力あり、注意力あり、記憶力あり、想像力あり、思考力あり、判断力あり、それから快、不快、喜び、悲しみ、ないしはあこがれ、悩み、同情などのような複雑な感情や情緒、ならびに意志の作用などがある。
The Working of man's mind-his psychic function-here are recognition,understanding, attentiveness, memory, imagination,mediation and judgment gesides complex emotons and sentiments such as pleasure,displeasure, joy,sorrow, longing, worry and sympathy, as well as desires.
The culture of mankind was built up through such a superior and astonishing psychic function. Science developed principally on the basis of the ability to recognize. Because of the workings of his desires, morality, law and economics were born. The field of emotions saw the developement of religion and art.
Life is Nature's Precious Gift
When thus considered nothing that exists on earth has been made so skilfully as man. That is to say, man is nature's supreme art. There is nothing else that has been made so well. Just to have been born and to live as one human being in Mother Nature's eternal flow is due, above all else , to a strange destiny and it is something for which an individual should feel profoundly thankful.
If we realize that life is nature's most precious gift, the thought will arise that we must value life most highly and make one's own lifetime as meaningful as possible. Moreover, it is when we have a feeling of thankfulness for life that the thought will arise that we must take good care of our parents and respect our ancestors. Even more important, however, are our efforts to see that the younger generation grows up correctly and sturdily.
Now in order for life to exist, it is necessary for matter to be joined in a certain combination. In other words, it is only when matter gathers in a certain combination that the function known as life becomes possible. Besides, whatever has life will one day perish. After a certain period of time elapses, the combination of matter crumbles, life vanishes, and matter returns to the natural world. To this phenomenon we have given the name of "Death." When considered from another viewpoint, although an individual may die, life is transmitted on to the succeeding generation. After a certain period of time when the combination of matter crumbles and the function of life is lost, the greater part of the cells forming a single individual returns to the natural world but in the meantime a part of the cells separates from one individual to form a new individual. In this way life is transmitted on to sons and grandsons.
Man is born and eventually returns to nature. Meanwhile, life is transmitted from one generation to another. This phenomenon can be likened to the waves of an ocean. The sea can be considered as nature, each single wave as aseparate human being. Awave is born and returns to nature. The next wave is born and again returns to nature. This is an apt metaphor.
The death of an individual does not mean total disappearance but a change of form. What the essence of life itself is, no man knows. Aithough that is unknown as yet, the elements composing the body by no means vanish with death. According to scientific experience, regardless of how the outward form may change, nothing is ever lost from earth. The outward appearance of matter may change often but its essence is never truly lost.
Therfore, we can only believe that even if the combination of matter crumbles due to the phenomenon of death and matter returns to the natural world, the elements forming life will continue, even after death, to exist controlled by the mysterious laws of Mother Nature. Accordingly, we should think of death as only a change of form.
That is to say, We should consider each individual as being but one wave appearing in Mother Nature's eternal flow. For death to cause an indivdual to undergo such a change of form is a phenomenon that fills mankind with the deepest sorrow, but upon due reflection, since the elements composing an individual life continue to exist in some form controlled by Mother Nature's eternal laws and mysterious but absolute power, we should entrust ourselves without anxiiety to Mother Nature's limitless and eternal flow.
Let us reflest calmly on this. By so doing, while placing the utmost value on life, we shall be able on the other hand to attain a sphere of absolute serenity of mind - a spiritual state of perfect selflessness - in which death will no longer hold any terror.
Needless to say. man's life is uncertain. As an actual problem. there is no one who will not experience the death of a close relative, the death of parents, the death of brothers. the death of friends, but on such occasions, if one lives with a view of life and death such as I have described, it will be possible to recover strongly from the sorrow that is aroused by sympathy. Then again, when one faces his own death, it will be possidie to do so without fear.
As a doctor, there have been many occasions when I have been present as an individual faced death, the most poignant moment in a man's life. If there is the slightest hope of recovery, everything possible must be done, of course, to cure a person who is ill but there are cases too when death is inevitable. At such times, although there are some individuals who face death calmly, most people lose all self-control as they cling desperateiy to their ebbing hold on life.
This is because they have failed all along to have a firm view of human existence, particularly a firm view of what life is, and because they have never reflected calmiy on the problem of death. From this standpoint,
l belivend that it was necessary for everyone, even from normal times, to have a firm view of life. The result has been that after thinking it over deeply myself, l reached the above-mentioned view of life and death.
At the same time, it may be unreasonable to expect that everyone will attain such a frame of mind during his everyday existence.
I believe, therefore, that the most important thing for people, especially the young people, is to be filled with the joy of living and to endeavor to live their own lives in the best manner possible.
それ以来、 世代はうつり、生存のための絶え間ない努力をかさねるうちに人間の知恵はしだいに発達し、石器時代もいくつかの段階をへて、およそ1万5千年のむかし、いわゆる新石器時代に入ってから家畜を飼い、耕作して種をまき、農業をいとなみ、また土器をつくる術も発明された。さらに文化はすすんで銅器時代に入り、ついで鉄器をも用いるようになった。
It is believed that primive man first appeared on this earth one million years ago at the beginning of the Pleistocene (Glaciai) Epoch. As the Pleistocene Epoch neared its end and warm weather came, mankind was liberated from dark caves and went out into the bright open air. From then on, as one generation gave way to another and unceasing efforts were made to maintain existence.man's intelligence gradually developed. After passing through several stages from the Stone Age onward man entered the so-called New Stone Age and started about 15,000 years ago to breed domestic animals, cultivete land and plant seeds, engage in agriculture, and even invent the art of making earth-enware. Civilization progressed further and when the Bronze Age was entered, man began to use iron implements.
It was about and 5,000 years ago that stirrings of present-day civilza-tion first began to glow along the Nile River basin in Egypt. on the plains of Mesopotamia in Western Asia. and along the Indus River basin of India and the Yellow River basin of China. We are able, from that time onward, to follow the traces of the various occurrences on earth and the development of civilization.
Man Is Continually Growing
古代の人類と今日の人間とを比べてみれば、 その間に非常な差異のあることは明らかである。古い昔の人間は互いに略奪と征服をくりかえし、いわばその生活は動物に近かったのであるが、時代を経るに従い、だんだんにそれから遠ざかって、科学に、道徳に、法律に、経済に、ないしは芸術に、人類固有の文化を建設し、次第に文化人として生活するようになったことは否定できない事実である。
Practically everything that exists in the natural world - the universe and living things - is in a constant process of evolution. This is Mother Nature in action. In the midst of this, the traces of the most remarkable progress of all are to be seen in the cultural history of mankind. Upon looking back on human history, no one can fail to recognize the growth and advancement of mankind. By this is meant man's spiritual development, the evolution and betterment of his soul.
When a comparison is made between primitive men and contemporary men, the difference between the two is apparent. Men of ancient times plundered and subjugated each other over and over again. Their life, so to speak, was close to that of animals. With the passage of time, however, they gradually left such an existence behind and, by building up man's characteristic culture in such fields as science, morality, law, economics and art, they began to live as men of culture. This is a fact that cannot be denied.
When considered from a wide range view, it is certain that mankind is making constant growth and development. This is Mother Nature in action. Such a thing as the so-called law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, can be observed in the evolution of animals.
The evolution of mankind, however, signifies the evolution of the soul, cultural development in its true sense. Cultural development, in the final analysis, means nothing else than the effort made toward a realization of the ideals of mankind as a whole. Herein lies mankind's distinguishing trait.
What then are the common ideals of all mankind ? Generally speaking, they can be divided and thought of as being the following five ー Truth, Wisdom, Goodness, Love and Beauty. To endeavor toward an attainment of these five ideals is man's distinguishing trait. It is the thing that exalts him.
"Truth" -- search for truth or, in other words, the effort to discover the truths of the natural world that are unknown as yet. Man alone is doing this. Included here is the research being carried out by today's scientists.
Next, by "Wisdom" is meant the effort to obtain a correct knowledge of all things. This too is characteristics of man.
"Goodness" is the effort to engage in good conduct. This does not mean being a negative moralist but is the voluntary and active endeavor to do good things for the world, for society, for all mankind. Such a trait is not found among animals.
"Love" means to act with a spirit of love toward one's neighbors and this too is an attribute of mankind alone. Love for one's neighbors eventually expands into love for one's society, love for the world, and love for all mankind.
What is meant here by "Beauty" is art in such forms as poetry, painting, sculpture, music -- the things by which an effort is made to enrich men's lives. This too is an attribute of man alone.
To endeavor toward a realization of such ideals is mankind's noble and distinguishing trait.
Nevertheless, when considered from another viewpoint, man too is an animal. He therefore possesses two basic characteristics common to animals, one being to preserve life and the other to propagate one's own kind. In order to live, man must obtain his daily bread. And as for propagation of his own kind - here arise the problems of love and marriage.
Beautification Of The Instincts
The two instinctive desires common to all animals, however, are greatly beautified and idealized in the case of men. That is to say, no matter what one's occupation may be, everyone is working in his own field for the sake of society and for the sake of the world while making his living. Man is able to make the effort to secure bread for the morrow identical with the work carried on for the sake of society and the world.
Such a thing is seen only in the case of man. Animals will thrust others aside in order to get ahead but man makes the effort to obtain his own daily bread conform with the service offered to the world, to society, and to mankind as a whole. In such a way is this instinct greatly beautified and idealized.
Similarly, the instinct to propagate one's own kind is remarkably beautified and idealized in the case of man. That is to say, human beings enter into the relationship of marriage in order to bear children. More than that, the love that husband and wife have for each other deepens with the raising of children.
Eventually this love expands into love for neighbors, love for the world, and love for all mankind. Thus in the case of mankind, married life is an experience that fosters a feeling of love and this ultimately becomes one with the "Love" that is one of mankind's ideals.
Then too, the emotion felt toward the opposite sex stimulates the development of arts. Songs are one example. It is said that poetry first sprang from such an emotion felt towards the opposite sex but this is also true for painting, sculpture and music as well.
Based on the instinct to propagate one's own kind, which is common to all living things, the emotion felt toward the opposite sex is beautified and idealized in the case of mankind and becomes one with the ideal of "Beauty."
Since man too is in one sense an animal, he possesses the two basic instincts common to all animals - self-preservation and propagation of the species - but in contrast to animals for whom these are merely instinctive desires, in the case of mankind the accompanying accomplishments, greatly beautified and idealized, are practically identical with the five ideals mentioned earlier. Or else, they can be made identical.
Herein lies the nobleness of man. It is also the reason why, among individuals, the more ideally one acts the more will he gain true content of the soul.
Considered from a broad viewpoint, man's striving to attain the ideals common to all mankind is in truth Mother Nature in action, the manifestation of an invisible but mighty power. Since we human beings are thus a part of nature, the only path for all men to follow, as they advance along the highway of life, is to conform to the movement of Mother Nature and strive to attain mankind's ideals. This is the task given to mankind.
Accordingly, the man who strives unceasingly to attain these ideals is the very one who can lead a truly confident life. On the contrary, a man who is restricted to action based merely on the instincts of self-preservation and propagation of the species will never be able to lead a confident life.
After having been troubled with the problem of life since my youth, it was when I assumed a teaching post that I was suddenly pressed by the need of finding a solution. In the meantime I had taken every opportunity to study the nature of man as widely as possible, and after thinking deeply, I gained firm conviction of the facts that are set forth here.
Next, I would like to take up the ideals common to all mankind - Truth, Wisdom, Goodness, Love, Beauty - and dwell a bit more on each although not necessarily in that order.
This World Is Bound By Love
In the vast universe, the solar system was born and the earth was born, then followed the genesis of living things and the evolution that led to man who exists in the social world that he was formed. Today we are all living as individuals on this earth where we were born.
Nevertheless, when a man becomes too engrossed in his own affairs, he easily becomes self-centered about everything. There are times when he may even fall into the hallucination that everything and everyone around him exist only for his own sake.
Upon reflecting calmly, however, it can be seen that mutual love among mankind is the basis of community life. As men move on through life, it is only through love that they are brought into harmony.
There already exists a society of men into the midst of which we have been born as individuals. Therefore, while all persons live as individuals, they must also live as members of society and endeavor to construct a happy world of love.
Mankind on the earth today is divided into various races and nations which are fighting furiously with each other, but men on this earth, having had the same origin, are a small biological existence sharing the same destiny in the universe. The time has come when we should resolutely eliminate the suspicion, hostility and greed estranging races and nations, and start to construct a happy world of love for all mankind.
Love of freedom and a search for peace - these are man's most basic feelings. During the long centuries that have passed by up to now, great religions have tried to spread the concept of Love and Goodness among mankind. Among them, Buddhism exhorted mercy and prohibited the killing of living things, while Christ taught men to "love even thine enemies."
Notwithstanding, men have not been able to free themselves from their animal nature. Mankind has engaged constantly in the mutual shedding of blood. Moreover, that manifestation of collective ambition known as war has become increasingly horrible and tragic. On the other hand, it is not only in recent times that a peace movement has arisen after every war but with war becoming so extremely destructive, a movement to make the world truly one and to free mankind from this misfortune forever is today being carried out on a worldwide scale.
In any case, we are living in the midst of mankind as a whole and living for the sake of all mankind. If the people of this world could live together in harmony by mutually helping and saving each other, by mutually redeeming and exhorting each other, what a joyful world this would be. Such an age is someday bound to come.
We have just arrived at the dawn of mankind's betterment. Surely our descendants will live in a world of love that is happier and more beautiful than the one we knew, and will be able to be impressed by the true joy of living. "Life is friendship! Life is love!" That is what I would like to shout.
Good Conduct Is Born From Correct Knowledge
Through the invention of printing techniques accompanied by the spread of books and the popularization of school education, knowledge among ma kind as a whole has advanced remarkably through the ages.
It was in china that paper was invented in ancient times and where woodblock printing was first carried out. This was later transmitted through the Arabs to Christian countries. However, the Western technique of printing with movable type, such as in use today, is said to have been perfected by Gutenberg of Germany around the year 1440. As the first direct result of this achievement in printing technique, many books were publishes and knowledge through reading spread quickly.
Meanwhile, from the 12th Century to the 14th Century, universities were founded successively in Paris and many districts of Northern Europe including England and assumed an important role in the advancement of learning. It was not latter part of the 19th Century, however, that popular education began to make sudden progress. The great cleavage that until then divided those able to read and masses that could not was gradually narrowed down to merely the difference in the extent of education.
Since the beginning of this century the progress in education has been even more conspicuous. Even in areas that have lagged behind in civilization, illiteracy is gradually being eradicated. Needles to say, newspapers and magazines have contributed tremendously to the advancement of the people's knowledge.
As men's knowledge advanced and developed, striking changes occurred in political and social ideology. The intelligent people of today are moving toward a realization of sound social policies that have been scientifically studied and are thereby seeking to elevate the livelihood of people as whole. This is a natural development accompanying the advancement of general knowledge.
Then again, as a result of the advancement of knowledge, contemporary people have the tendency to try to judge all things and act on the basis of correct knowledge, but there is a great need today to make this tendency even more thoroughgoing.
In the old days, since the social structure was comparatively simple, to judge between good conduct and bad conduct may not have been very difficult. As society grows more complex, however, it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate between the good and the bad.
The number of people desiring today to do good deeds for the sake of the world, for their fellow men, and for society is by no means few. But no matter how fervently they may wish to do so, unless they possess correct knowledge, there is fear that their action may have the contrary result. Therefore, from now on, correct knowledge is extremely important in everything.
Even if one believes that his conduct is good, if correct knowledge is lacking, the motive may be good but the result may be bad. Even if the motive is good, if the result is bad, then responsibility must be taken either for a lack of knowledge, insufficient study, or carelessness. It is only when both the motive and the result are good that one's conduct can be called good.
Since this is so, correct knowledge is absolutely necessary for good conduct. Only when Wisdom and Goodness go hand in hand is it possible to serve the world, society and all mankind.
We often hear people say that they are acting with a clear conscience, but for conscience to be true conscience, it must habitually be nourished by correct knowledge. In order to do what must be done, courage, sympathy, love and introspection must constantly be made ready by correct knowledge.
Most people today desire to be kind toward others. Kindness is a good thing, but as pointed out by the saying, ー”to requite kindness with evil"ー who can say that there will not be cases in which kindness might incur ill feeling instead ? Thus, in this case too, correct knowledge is important. There is need to be most careful, mindful of the time and circumstance, and act in a way that will truly benefit the recipient.
Needless to say, correct knowledge is even more visual in raising children and bringing up the youth of the succeeding generation.
Therefore, let us investigate thoroughly and seek correct knowledge in all things. Correct knowledge is indeed the mother of good thought and good conduct.
Search For Truth In The Natural World
From long ago man began his quest of the universal truth. Although this search was temporarily inactive during the Middle Ages, man renewed his study of nature from about the time of the Renaissance. In particular, from the 19th Century onward, science suddenly began to make a phenomenal development, which has continued to this day. Let us now view an outline of this development.
It can be said that the source of science budded forth in Ancient Greece. Already in the 6th Century B.C., there were such men as Thales, Anaximander and Heraclitus who possessed profound philosophical views regarding the problem of what is the world in which we exist. It is said that they inquired deeply into the true form of the world, its origin, and its future destiny. This was also the age that produced such men as Pythagoras known for his theorem of geometry, Democritus who established the Atomic Theory, and Hippocrates who is called the "Father of Medicine." Then again, there was Plato's pupil Aristotle who is known as the greatest compiler of the knowledge of ancient times.
During the Grecian Period, since there was not a very extensive specialization of learning, all scholars were at the same time philosophers, but in the succeeding Hellenistic Period when Alexandria was the center of learning, mathematics, astronomy and physics began to be studied instead of merely the origin of all things and the divisions of knowledge became more pronounced. Long strides were also made here in the study of anatomy and medicine.
Among the scholars who appeared during this Alexandrian Period were, in addition to Euclid famous for his geometrical theorems, Eratosthenes who computed the circumference of the globe, and Appolonius of Perga who produced a treatise on "Conic Sections," such men as Aristarchus of Samons who advanced the heliocentric theory. Hipparchus who made the first chart of the heavens and catalogued the stars, the celebrated astronomer Ptolemy, and Heron, the first inventor of a stream engine. Herophilus, the most renowned anatomist of his day, is also said to have carried out studies
in vivisection.
The approximately 1,000 years from 5th Century to the 15th Century in Europe are known as the Middle Ages in which Christianity spread but learning generally stagnated. With the coming of the Renaissance, science revived and this became the forerunner of the golden age of science being witnessed today.
It cannot be overlooked, however, that even before the Renaissance, a yearning for knowledge and a zeal for learning were already stirring in Europe in the 13th Century. The man respected during that age as the Father of Experimental Science was Roger Bacon who was born in England. He devoted his life to physics and mathematics but because he had a laboratory for alchemy, he was accused of being a magician and jailed, being freed only one year before his death. He was the first martyr in the history of science's revival.
It was in the last half of the 15th Century that Leonardo da Vinci appeared and won undying fame as a master painter in Italy. A genius of great versatility befitting a scholar of the Renaissance, he displayed his superb talent not only in art but also in the fields of anatomy, engineering, mechanics and mathematics.
Although the respective spheres of science and art differ, there is something common to both in the mental attitude toward natural phenomena, and it appears likely that outstanding conceptions in scientific research require an artistic approach.
The most noteworthy scientific development at the beginning of the 16th Century was the establishment of the heliocentric theory to replace the cosmic theory which until then had considered the earth as being the center of the universe.
Among the astronomers who appeared in succession during that period, Copernicus applied mathematics to the facts that had been observed and set the foundation of the heliocentric theory on which modern astronomy is built. Then again, Tycho Brahe was a great astronomical observer who carried out a wide range of observations successively over many years. After studying for 25 years, the abundant record of observations that Tycho Brahe had made, Johannes Kepler discovered the famous Kepler's Laws concerning the movement of the planets. With this it was substantiated for the first time that "the world is controlled by universal law."
The next great astronomer, Galileo, used the telescope which was invented about that time to scan the far corners of the skies, finding many new stars as well as discovering the spots on the sun. Widely known is the historical fact that because he supported the Copernican theory, Galileo was denounced by the Roman Catholics, tried by the Inquisition at Rome and sentenced to imprisonment at the age of 70. Not only did he discover through experiment the laws of bodies in motion to become the founder of modern dynamics, but his published works, quite apart from their scientific significance, are said to be the most perfect in style that Italian Literature of the 17th Century produced.
Another victim of the Roman Inquisition was the passionate Italian Philosopher Giordano Bruno. For publishing a commentary on Copernican astronomy and attacking the established religion, he was imprisoned for 7 years and condemned and burned.
After the Renaissance, the so-called Medico-Chemical School that sought to apply chemistry to medicine appeared centering on Paracelsus of Switzerland. Even more important were the studies of the human body carried out by the anatomist Vesalius. Later, the study of vivisection flourished in Italy. On the basis of Vesalius' new anatomy, it was the English physician Harvey who founded the modern method of study in the field of physiology and it was he who first substantiated by observation that the circulation of blood in the human body is caused by the contraction of the heart.
In the 17th Century scientific academies were established in London and at other places. It was also at about this time that a group of scholars called "scholars of the microscope" appeared in rapid succession. Among them, the three most famous were Malpighi of Italy, and Swammerdam and Leeuwenhoek of the Netherlands.
Because he carried out research in new fields so enthusiastically, Malpighi caught fever and also suffered from inflammation of the eyes. Nevertheless, he said:
"Before my very eyes,
The unending wonders of nature
Unfold one after another.
I find it difficult to describe
The heartfelt joy that I have experienced."
Such a mental state is undoubtedly experienced only by those who engage in the study of nature.
In Japan at that time, Ekken Kaibara of Chikuzen Province appeared as solo scientist of the first half of Edo Period and wrote "Yamato Honzo" and
many other works.
In the latter half of the 17th Century, the great Newton, who discovered the law of universal gravitation and made notable contributions to higher mathematics, was born in England. Despite his many brilliant achievements, Newton remained at all times a modest and quiet scholar who said:
"I do not know how the world looks upon me.
But I myself feel like a child
Who, while playing along the seashore, finds joy
In picking up a smooth pebble or a pretty shell
From time to time
Spreading before me endlessly is
The vast ocean of Truth."
Newton divided learning into general philosophy(metaphysics) and positive philosophy(natural science), and declared that science is by no means the explanation of a final cause but is the mathematical expression of realities that have been experienced.
In the 18th Century, science was not yet generally recognized as a specialized education or worthy of the highest respect, but nevertheless it was a period that spurred on the spirit of men seeking knowledge and paved the way to the golden age of science that continues to this day.
At about that time there appeared in France one of the most brilliant scientists, Lavoisier, who established the foundation of modern chemistry. In Sweden, Karl von Linne, the first famous botanist, established order and system for the classification of plants and thus facilitated comparative research. A big statue of Karl von Linne stands even today in a park in Stockholm.
BY no means should the discovery of vaccination by the English physician Jenner be forgotten. Taking a hint from the fact that milkmaids were immune during smallpox epidemics, he carefully carried on observations for 20years and was the first to develop the idea of vaccination.
In Japan at about that time, such men as Ryotaku Maeno and Genpaku Sugita traslated a Dutch work on anatomy and published the famous "Kaitai Shinsho"(New Book on Vivisection).
It was after the beginning of 19th Century that science fully came into its own. During this century the Law of the Conservation of Energy was discovered while the theory of evolution was established in the field of biology. Furthermore, the end of this century saw the epochal discovery of the X-ray and radium. In bacteriology, new spheres were opened, contributing greatly to the welfare of mankind.
The discovery that energy can neither be created nor destroyed came from the thought given to the true nature of heat and has a very interesting history. About the year 1800, the American-born Rumford was studying at the University of Munich on how to improve canons. While he was engaged in boring a hole in the barrel of a gun, the amazingly large amount of heat generated indicated to him that there must be a close relation between heat and work. Likewise, the French statesman Carnot, who loved science,
studied mathematically the method of deriving work from heat.
It was in this way that the idea of the conservation of energy was developed but its perfection was principally the achievement of Mayer and Helmholtz of Germany, and Joule of England.
Mayer journeyed to Java as a ship doctor. When he depleted the blood in the vein of a seaman, he observed that the blood had taken on an unusually
scarlet color. Starting from the theory of physiological combustion, he reached the conclusion that there is certain invariable relation between heat and work. Besides working throughout his life as a brewer, Joule carried on skilled and accurate experiments over a period of 40 years to measure the work equivalent of heat. As in the case of Mayer, the young army surgeon Helmholtz was stimulated by physiological studies and published his famous essay. "On the Conservation of Strength."
The Law of the Conservation of Energy is one of the natural laws that is corroborated with the greatest certainty. Its discovery was the supreme achievement of theoretical physics in the 19th Century. Notwithstanding Joule's essay met opposition from the London Royal Academy of that time while publication of the essays of Mayer and Helmholtz was rejected by the most authoritative technical magazine of the day as being "a fantastic Concept. "
(次ページへ続く : To be continued to the next page)